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The Right Choice: DIY vs. Pro Water Damage Restoration

Ryker Bingham |  Sep 26, 2023

The Right Choice: DIY vs. Pro Water Damage Restoration

Water damage can have devastating effects on a home. It can damage the home’s structure and cause a variety of health hazards. After a water disaster, you will need to have the home restored. There are two main choices: Hire a water damage restoration company, or handle the entire process yourself.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the water damage restoration process and go over whether you should hire a pro or DIY. We’ll discuss:

  • The pros of DIY water damage restoration
  • The cons of DIY water damage restoration
  • The pros of professional water damage restoration
  • The cons of professional water damage restoration

Are you ready to read up on the topic and make your own choice? Let’s get started.

The Pros of DIY Water Damage Restoration

There are a few benefits to doing your own water damage restoration. The first of these is cost control. You can save money if you handle your own repairs, and you won’t pay any markups or overhead if you go to the home improvement store and buy your own supplies. 

You can take personal ownership of your work. You’ll be using your own two hands to rip out wet carpet, take down damaged drywall, pry up the subfloor, and so on, so you might feel a real sense of accomplishment.

When you do your own water damage restoration, you can take advantage of a huge learning opportunity. You’ll learn skills, you’ll learn about construction, and you will need to learn about local regulations. 

Finally, you can customize your project as desired. You may decide to completely renovate one room or choose unique finishes. In the end, the final product will reflect not only your skill but also your preferences.

The Cons of DIY Water Damage Restoration

There are also some disadvantages to tackling your own water damage remediation project. One is a lack of expertise. The average homeowner has neither the skills nor the equipment to assess the damage accurately, much less handle the necessary repairs. You probably don’t have access to industrial-grade drying equipment, for example, and this can lead to mold.

You might be putting yourself and your family’s health at risk. The water might be contaminated, and toxic mold spores might be multiplying unnoticed. You may not know how to protect yourself from these issues and prevent them from causing more problems as time goes on. The CDC discusses how mold may affect people living with it in their homes.

Another drawback of DIY water damage restoration is the potential for underestimating both the time and cost involved. If you work full time and you’re busy with hobbies, your family, or anything else, you might find it very daunting to add in the time needed to restore your home. Any unexpected issues will also drive up the cost, and it might be a lot more expensive than you initially thought it would be.

The Pros of Professional Water Damage Restoration

When you hire a professional building restoration company, you’ll be assured of their expertise and experience. They know where to look for water damage that you might not have even considered. They will also know the right way to remove damaged elements of the home as well as how to preserve and salvage what they can. 

The company will be able to use specialized equipment, like industrial dehumidifiers, moisture meters, and air scrubbers. These will thoroughly dry both the structures and the air to prevent mold growth in the short and long term.

Many water damage specialists can also advise you on how to best work with your insurance company. Some will submit claims directly – saving you time. You’ll have direction on how to best navigate the claims process to maximize your coverage and minimize your personal expense.

The Cons of Professional Water Damage Restoration

Of course, nothing is perfect. When you’re working with a water damage restoration company, you’re at the mercy of them completing the work. If you don’t choose a reputable company, you might be waiting a long time, or you may need to worry about shoddy workmanship. Choosing one that has valid credentials and good reviews can help mitigate this concern.

Another potential drawback is the cost of having the home restored. Particularly if you don’t have insurance, this can be prohibitive. However, since you’ll be benefiting from their ability to get materials at a lower cost than you can, this might be less expensive than you think. In addition, you’ll know the work has been done properly the first time, which is invaluable.


While very small areas of water infiltration can be managed on a DIY basis, it’s not recommended for large projects or those where mold or potential bacterial contamination is an issue. For safety and peace of mind, hire a reputable water damage specialist to manage your restoration project after a water-related event.


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